I am very very upset.. reli totally upset. and very frustrated as well. n @dis point of time, i reli am on d verge of cryg my heart out n sobbing intensely (consider'g im @d ofc, i dont intend 2create a commotion.)
my niece ~yana~ ws sick last week. i didnt knw abt it, until last friday aftr work, soulmate n i went 2a mamak stall nearby my ofc n met my elder sis' father in law (i call him 'papa djoe' @ 'atuk K' ~ 'papa djoe' cz my bro in law's name is djoe, 'atuk k' cz my niece calls him atuk k~) my sis is stay'g @her in-laws' hse just nearby my ofc. (her in-laws refuse 2let my sis+Djoe n yana 2move 2othr plc. yana is their 1st grandchild, she *n my sis!* hs been pampered so much by them! whn i ws not married, i use 2fetch yana every friday aftr work n we went back 2gether 2my parent's hse cz my sis' weekly routine is weekdays with in-laws, weekends with parents. since my sis+djoe r work'g in KL, its unpractical 4them 2drive back 2KJ jz 2fetch yana while i ws nearby. they will jz straight away go back 2my parents hse aftr work n i'll b fetchg their daughter n head back home).
neway, back 2d story i ws tryg 2tell, Papa Djoe told us dat yana has been sick since wednesday, high fever n cough. but she was already ok on Friday n he told us 2go check up on her. so soulmate n i dropped by @Papa Djoe's hse n met yana, she ws do'g ok. we were jz thr 4a short while. yana ws look'g a bit dizzy while watchg tom n jerry, every nw n then she answerd our questions, most of d time i talked with Awan Siti (Awan Siti is my sis' mother in law. funny ain't it? yana calls her grandparents Atuk K n Awan Siti.. hehehehe! some ppl might think she is d grandchild of dat singer who sings @d royal albert hall dat i despise so much!). Awan Siti told me dat yana's school has been closed till Wednesday (today) since half d school students r already get'g sick. yana ws wait'g 4my sis 2fetch her cz they were supposed 2go back 2my parent's hse. I didnt cz i ws scheduled 2hv a bowlg tournament d next day. so aftr dat, soulmate n i went back home.
On Sunday, aftr lunch, soulmate n i wantd 2go buy groceries. My mom called me. She said yana ws admitted 2a nearby hospital on Saturday night. they said somethg abt infections in her lungs n she ws still having slight fever. i ws so shocked n worried sick since ive been read'g abt all d news on d H1N1 patients' cause of death which ws pneumonia. dat ws d 1st thing dat struck my mind @dat time. then my mom said they r run'g tests on her - blood test n othr tests pertaining to it. Bt it ws weekend, they wont be expect'g 2get d result so soon since d lab will only b opened on weekdays. my mom kept on say'g 'benda tu' 2refer 2H1N1, she seems reluctant 2say d word, i guess she ws afraid it might be jinx or somethg. since the hospital dont knw 4sure, yana ws put on d suspected list of H1N1 n mom told me dat d sign @her door ws 'Limited Visitor' n anyone who wantd 2visit will b provided with mask 4precautionary measure. they also gave her tamiflu, n i told my mom tamiflu ws d antivirus 4 H1N1. she started 2get worried, thanx 2me! soulmate ws suggestg 4us 2visit since she ws admitted @a hospital near our plc but my mom hs already told me not 2go since my sis n yana didnt get much rest since she ws admitted cz d nurses kept on coming in d room 2get temperatures, do some tests n such. so i planned 2visit whn she returns home. i textd my sis jz 2check up on thngs, she said not 2visit. they were do'g fine.
On Monday i texted her again, she said yana's ok, no more fever, n d doc said dat she's got infection in d lungs n they r restg d whole day.
yesterday mom called, i ws in a meeting. i returned her call sometime later n she said she n my dad went 2visit them yesterday morning @d hospital. blood test result ws negative H1N1. whn i reached home aftr work, mom called again.. with bad news. my sis ws taking yana 4 a walk @d hospital whn d nurse told her dat she wsnt suppose 2get out of d room cz yana ws positive based on another test (phlegm) they did. wht got me very furious ws dat whn did they think ws d best time 2break d news 2her abt dat result? i mean, one instant u said its negative, whn we were be'g a normal human be'g since nothg ws wrong n we went out 2take a walk cz u didnt tell us anythg, u came up n said it ws actually positive? bt y didnt u warned earlier? hw come there were no more restrictions when my parents went 2visit yana? my mom told me d hospital no longer impose d-wear-mask rule dat morng they went. even whn my mom asked 4d room number, d nurse readily showed them which room n didnt say a word on mask wear'g. of course we assume everythg ws ok especially whn d blood test ws already negative! only later dat day did they say abt anothr result. its not dat i want 2alienate d patients, my worry is they (hospitals n ministry) dont take enough precaution from people spreading dis virus! around 8pm+ my mom called again, n another bad news, my sis caught a fever! i think my mom gets a degree of panic everytime after she talk 2me. bcz i kept on talkg abt d virus n she ws tryg 2b positive, dat it ws jz common fever not d worst case scenario. I on d othr hand ws still talkg abt its bad n all. im sorry.. im just paranoid. i alwiz think 4d worst, but still hopes 4d best. not dat i dont want 2b positive minded n all, i just hv 2b realisitic a bit. cz d truth is im reli worried abt dis pandemic!
i m so furious though.. when will we ever get d most honest report abt d situation? i think d hospitals r b'g too relax abt it. n not 2mention d government. i mean we r definitely entitle 4explanation! we dont need some stupid advise on if we cough/sneeze we were suppose 2actually cover our mouth with tissue. hello?? dat is like logic isnt it?? we need 2knw hw bad it is actually? thr r so many complaints already abt hw d government is handling d situation. read here and here. its pandemic, yet they say not 2worry. they'll keep us updated with the situation. my foot! MY family is affected here! if u r just giving us d figures of deaths and cases reported, dat is not keeping us updated with d situation! keeping us updated is providing enough information as 2wht shld we reli do (othr than wash hands n cover our mouth whn sneezing/coughing), is it reli bad alredi? which plc did they (d patients) went to cz we reli want 2avoid go'g thr! (ok, im be'g insensible, bt whtevr!) not some vague infos like, 'she ws positive, she recently went 2a supermarket.' ok, which supermarket??? can u b a bit more specific? thr r hundreds of supermarket in Klang Valley alone! i dont knw how they deliberated on dis : H1N1 vs economic slowdown. cz it seems they r lean'g more 2wards making sure pple dont get panic n then resulted in not go'g 2work n causing our economy 2b @risk. spread'g of d disease, get'g most of d population catch'g d virus is somewht more tolerable than our economy meltdown. wow! so clever!
now i knw hw 1malaysia is go'g 2work.. in fact we can actually achieve it even b4 d year ends! simply bcz @d rate of infection we r go'g, thr'l b only 1malaysian citizen left cz d rest of us r already H1N1 positive! go 1malaysia!
my niece ~yana~ ws sick last week. i didnt knw abt it, until last friday aftr work, soulmate n i went 2a mamak stall nearby my ofc n met my elder sis' father in law (i call him 'papa djoe' @ 'atuk K' ~ 'papa djoe' cz my bro in law's name is djoe, 'atuk k' cz my niece calls him atuk k~) my sis is stay'g @her in-laws' hse just nearby my ofc. (her in-laws refuse 2let my sis+Djoe n yana 2move 2othr plc. yana is their 1st grandchild, she *n my sis!* hs been pampered so much by them! whn i ws not married, i use 2fetch yana every friday aftr work n we went back 2gether 2my parent's hse cz my sis' weekly routine is weekdays with in-laws, weekends with parents. since my sis+djoe r work'g in KL, its unpractical 4them 2drive back 2KJ jz 2fetch yana while i ws nearby. they will jz straight away go back 2my parents hse aftr work n i'll b fetchg their daughter n head back home).
neway, back 2d story i ws tryg 2tell, Papa Djoe told us dat yana has been sick since wednesday, high fever n cough. but she was already ok on Friday n he told us 2go check up on her. so soulmate n i dropped by @Papa Djoe's hse n met yana, she ws do'g ok. we were jz thr 4a short while. yana ws look'g a bit dizzy while watchg tom n jerry, every nw n then she answerd our questions, most of d time i talked with Awan Siti (Awan Siti is my sis' mother in law. funny ain't it? yana calls her grandparents Atuk K n Awan Siti.. hehehehe! some ppl might think she is d grandchild of dat singer who sings @d royal albert hall dat i despise so much!). Awan Siti told me dat yana's school has been closed till Wednesday (today) since half d school students r already get'g sick. yana ws wait'g 4my sis 2fetch her cz they were supposed 2go back 2my parent's hse. I didnt cz i ws scheduled 2hv a bowlg tournament d next day. so aftr dat, soulmate n i went back home.
On Sunday, aftr lunch, soulmate n i wantd 2go buy groceries. My mom called me. She said yana ws admitted 2a nearby hospital on Saturday night. they said somethg abt infections in her lungs n she ws still having slight fever. i ws so shocked n worried sick since ive been read'g abt all d news on d H1N1 patients' cause of death which ws pneumonia. dat ws d 1st thing dat struck my mind @dat time. then my mom said they r run'g tests on her - blood test n othr tests pertaining to it. Bt it ws weekend, they wont be expect'g 2get d result so soon since d lab will only b opened on weekdays. my mom kept on say'g 'benda tu' 2refer 2H1N1, she seems reluctant 2say d word, i guess she ws afraid it might be jinx or somethg. since the hospital dont knw 4sure, yana ws put on d suspected list of H1N1 n mom told me dat d sign @her door ws 'Limited Visitor' n anyone who wantd 2visit will b provided with mask 4precautionary measure. they also gave her tamiflu, n i told my mom tamiflu ws d antivirus 4 H1N1. she started 2get worried, thanx 2me! soulmate ws suggestg 4us 2visit since she ws admitted @a hospital near our plc but my mom hs already told me not 2go since my sis n yana didnt get much rest since she ws admitted cz d nurses kept on coming in d room 2get temperatures, do some tests n such. so i planned 2visit whn she returns home. i textd my sis jz 2check up on thngs, she said not 2visit. they were do'g fine.
On Monday i texted her again, she said yana's ok, no more fever, n d doc said dat she's got infection in d lungs n they r restg d whole day.
yesterday mom called, i ws in a meeting. i returned her call sometime later n she said she n my dad went 2visit them yesterday morning @d hospital. blood test result ws negative H1N1. whn i reached home aftr work, mom called again.. with bad news. my sis ws taking yana 4 a walk @d hospital whn d nurse told her dat she wsnt suppose 2get out of d room cz yana ws positive based on another test (phlegm) they did. wht got me very furious ws dat whn did they think ws d best time 2break d news 2her abt dat result? i mean, one instant u said its negative, whn we were be'g a normal human be'g since nothg ws wrong n we went out 2take a walk cz u didnt tell us anythg, u came up n said it ws actually positive? bt y didnt u warned earlier? hw come there were no more restrictions when my parents went 2visit yana? my mom told me d hospital no longer impose d-wear-mask rule dat morng they went. even whn my mom asked 4d room number, d nurse readily showed them which room n didnt say a word on mask wear'g. of course we assume everythg ws ok especially whn d blood test ws already negative! only later dat day did they say abt anothr result. its not dat i want 2alienate d patients, my worry is they (hospitals n ministry) dont take enough precaution from people spreading dis virus! around 8pm+ my mom called again, n another bad news, my sis caught a fever! i think my mom gets a degree of panic everytime after she talk 2me. bcz i kept on talkg abt d virus n she ws tryg 2b positive, dat it ws jz common fever not d worst case scenario. I on d othr hand ws still talkg abt its bad n all. im sorry.. im just paranoid. i alwiz think 4d worst, but still hopes 4d best. not dat i dont want 2b positive minded n all, i just hv 2b realisitic a bit. cz d truth is im reli worried abt dis pandemic!
i m so furious though.. when will we ever get d most honest report abt d situation? i think d hospitals r b'g too relax abt it. n not 2mention d government. i mean we r definitely entitle 4explanation! we dont need some stupid advise on if we cough/sneeze we were suppose 2actually cover our mouth with tissue. hello?? dat is like logic isnt it?? we need 2knw hw bad it is actually? thr r so many complaints already abt hw d government is handling d situation. read here and here. its pandemic, yet they say not 2worry. they'll keep us updated with the situation. my foot! MY family is affected here! if u r just giving us d figures of deaths and cases reported, dat is not keeping us updated with d situation! keeping us updated is providing enough information as 2wht shld we reli do (othr than wash hands n cover our mouth whn sneezing/coughing), is it reli bad alredi? which plc did they (d patients) went to cz we reli want 2avoid go'g thr! (ok, im be'g insensible, bt whtevr!) not some vague infos like, 'she ws positive, she recently went 2a supermarket.' ok, which supermarket??? can u b a bit more specific? thr r hundreds of supermarket in Klang Valley alone! i dont knw how they deliberated on dis : H1N1 vs economic slowdown. cz it seems they r lean'g more 2wards making sure pple dont get panic n then resulted in not go'g 2work n causing our economy 2b @risk. spread'g of d disease, get'g most of d population catch'g d virus is somewht more tolerable than our economy meltdown. wow! so clever!
now i knw hw 1malaysia is go'g 2work.. in fact we can actually achieve it even b4 d year ends! simply bcz @d rate of infection we r go'g, thr'l b only 1malaysian citizen left cz d rest of us r already H1N1 positive! go 1malaysia!

angah, yana ok x??
ReplyDeleteB, sekolah my other half pun tutup gara2 wabak durjana ni..sigh!
ReplyDeleteyana + awien dh blk umh kj ystrday. they'll b home quarantined for 7days. pray every1's go'g 2b ok. whtevr it is, it definitely dawn 2us, every1 can get it. very easily. if only they b more serius abt it, i wont b so furious..